A unified policy for the protection and protection of the state border is implemented by the State Security Service.
According to the law, the establishment and change of the state border is carried out by decision of the chambers of the Oliy Majlis.
INcompliancewith the law, the State Security Service implements a unified policy for the protection and protection of the state border.
Crossing the state border is carried out:
• on land, border rivers, lakes and other bodies of water – at places where the state border is crossed, established on the routes of international railway, road, river and other communications;
• in the airspace – at places where the state border is crossed by international routes or along air corridors allocated for these purposes.
When moving persons and vehicles from the state border to road and railway checkpoints or in the opposite direction, it is prohibited:
• change the established route;
• carry out boarding of persons, loading of goods onto vehicles and disembarkation of persons, unloading of goods from vehicles;
• lift into the air, land or receive any aircraft or unmanned aerial vehicles.
In the border strip, additional regime restrictions and prohibitions may be established on:
• entry of unauthorized persons into the border strip;
• entry into the territory where economic and other activities are carried out;
• access of swimming equipment to border rivers, lakes and other bodies of water.
Border troops or the relevant organization of the Ministry of Transport issues entry (exit) passes to persons engaged in economic and other activities at checkpoints.
Source: kun.uz